A new experience in my life time

A new experience in my life time or in my job. Last Friday i went to hinmafushi to make a documentary. My crew and i  was at the office at 4:00am to pack up the belongings and to take the breakfast. After that we took a rest and went to the terminal. I got a very experienced cameraman he was kudey and a great technician how was still experiencing like me.And also a very experienced lighting technician went with me.When we went to hinmafushi the first thing we heard was welcome messages from the man who was managing the people from the mic.He was managing all the people to nine groups.For the cleaning day they choose a task force.So each group is leaded by one of the task force member.from there we started recording.They have divided the cleaning day for two parts.One is before hukuru and other one is from 2:00 to 4:00.After sometime a man came and talked us.He was the head person of that island.(katheebu)he brought two police man and asked them to take us to our rooms.so they took us to our rooms so we kept our things and went out with a mic and videocamera.we enjoyed taking video.After taking the video we rode on a van.I got one friend from that island.There will be one picture with a small kid.He is the friend.After riding the van we went where we was asked to stay.Then we rested.Some of the crew members slept.At 200 we walked with the camera but it started raining.So we was unable to take any video.They were cleaning and having fun.Due to raining we was asked to go back to male earlier because we could not take any video but It was a great experience for me.My first time to an island for a shooting being the producer.I was very happy.

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